Thursday, 25 February 2021

SSR Selfie| Anders

 I read 9 pages of Anders,by Gregory Mackay. 

The story is about a new kid name Bernie that started school and boys being mean to him on his first day but a boy named Anders. Anders sees Bernie sitting by himself and gives him half of his sandwich then become friends. 

I really liked this book because Anders didn't leave Bernie by himself and was a good friend.

Basic facts

First I used a google sheets to record my basic facts bonds. 

Then I did my basic facts bonds to 10 and after I did my bonds up to 10 I did them up to 20. After that I did my doubles. 

Lastly I used the copy and paste shortcut to work faster. 

I already knew my bonds up to 20 but I needed to work faster. I liked this activity because
 it was easy do.