Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Marc Duffy

Marc Duffy is a duffy role model who shares a story about how reading change his life around. 

He went to prison because he got envoled in bad stuff, but when he was in jail a teacher taught how to read. When he got out of prison he got a school ceitficate and a depolma in buisnness 

Marc learnt the trade of a bulider and owend his own buisnness. After that he worked for bunnings fitting out their stores. Marc also is a NewZealand lightweight champ in boxing fight for life. He now manages the largest store in NewZealand, which is in Hamilton. 


Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal. 

  Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 
Communication is sharing ideas and stratigies, an example of communication is dodgeball is when the teams share stratigies and ideas to try and get the other teams out. 

Cooperation is helping out eachother, an example for cooperation in dodgeball is to help the other teamates that are out of the sqaure by giving them balls so they can go around the sqaure and elimate the other teams. 

Collaboration is working with a group or team to achive a goal , an example for collaboration in dodgeball is cheering on the other teammates to win. 


( This video shows the mechanism of colabouration )

( This video shows the mechanism of communication )

( This video shows the mechanism of cooperation )

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to implemented throughout the activity

Friday, 9 April 2021


 Multiplication is a fast way of adding the same number over and over again. The two, five and ten times tables are examples of multiplication. 

The two times tables are multiplyng two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multiplyng five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multiplyng ten by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way of adding and counting a number. The times tables is also an easy way to remeber a basic times tables like two, five, and ten. The next times tables to learn are three, four and six. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Character Trait / The Horse

Character trait is used to describe a characters personalty by using adjectives and facts about the character. 

For example the horse is kind because in the story he doesn't step on the ants. This shows that the horse is thoughtful. 

A character trait is important so that you can learn about a characters personalty and what the character does in the story.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Fact or Opinion

I completed a task for my fact and opinion. 

First I wrote facts about the horse from the highway rat story. 

Then I wrote opinions that match the facts. Then I wrote  five adjectives that describe the horse. Then I did the rest of the boxes.  

A fact is something that you know that is true and you can prove it. A opinion is something that you think about the fact. Like the horse is helping a friend. 

I liked this task because I learnt what different adjectives meant and different names for that adjective. 


We used Multiplication to figure out the amount of counters in each group. 

First we took a big group of an unknown amount. 

Then we counted the amount of groups. 

Next we used our times tables to figure the amount. 

Then we organised them into a triangle. 

I learnt that multiplication is a faster of figure out the amount of some thing.