Wednesday, 26 May 2021


We did 5 diffrent activities that envoled balance, For every activity we stood on one leg.

The first activity involed a frizby, for this activty we I standed on one leg facing my partner. This was easy beacause I could use my leg to help me by moving my leg side to side and forward and backwards. 

 The secound activty involed a basketball, this was also easy cause I could use my move around using my leg and that helped me balance . 

The third acttivty involed a netball, this was easy cause I could use my leg that was off the ground to help me balance. 

The fourth acttivty we did was the rugbyball this was easy cause I could controll my balance.  


The last activty was hokey this was hard cause I could'nt stop the ball from moving around when I was standing on one leg.

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