Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Skimming/ Scanning

 This week we used skimming and scanning to understand a book called Against the odds. 

Scanning is the same as skimming but scanning is hovering over a text and trying to look for the the main facts. 

Skimming is the same but skimming is just going thorugh the text without stoping.       

For this activty I used skimming and scanning. I used skimming to find the keywords and use thoses keywords to find more information. I used scanning to find the main ideas so I could understand the text more and to put my facts into chronlogical order.

Next I made a table mat to find keywords, facts, ect.

I learnt a lot from doing this activty cause skimming and scanning helped by helping me find keywords and learning a lot about paralympics and other texts. 

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