Tuesday, 17 August 2021


I did persuasive agruement based on littering. 

My arguement is to stop littering beacause its bad for the enivoment. I went to websites to find information about why littering is bad. 

I wrote an exaplaintion why littering is bad to persuaive people to not litter. I linked all my topics with my websites. 

This was a good activty to help me persuaive people to win an arguement based on facts and good reasons.

QAR questions

I used QAR template and Synthesis template to help me with a text called pointless, painful, physical education. This text was a persuasive text pesuasive means to change someones beliefs. 

First I did the synthesis egg teplate, for this task I wrote my prioyknowldge, new information, and new understandings. My prioyknowledge is something that I already know. New information is something that I know now, and new understandings is things that I understand about the text. 

After I answerd all the questions and put them in the boxes: right there, think and search, author and you, and  on my own. 

-right there means the answer is in the text. 
- think and search means the answer is in the text but you have to search and think about the answer in the text
- author and you mean the answer is no in the text but you use your background knowldge.
- on my own means the answer is in your own understandings. 

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Skimming/ Scanning

 This week we used skimming and scanning to understand a book called Against the odds. 

Scanning is the same as skimming but scanning is hovering over a text and trying to look for the the main facts. 

Skimming is the same but skimming is just going thorugh the text without stoping.       

For this activty I used skimming and scanning. I used skimming to find the keywords and use thoses keywords to find more information. I used scanning to find the main ideas so I could understand the text more and to put my facts into chronlogical order.

Next I made a table mat to find keywords, facts, ect.

I learnt a lot from doing this activty cause skimming and scanning helped by helping me find keywords and learning a lot about paralympics and other texts. 

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 In partnership with our community our values are condensed down wirh C.A.R.E 


We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focussed on our futures. 


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and how we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviornment. 

Excellence and inavation

We set ourselves challenging goals, Share ideas, and think about our learning. 

These are important to follow beacause first there our school values and if you follow them your being respectful to others and our school also beacause there showing manners everywhere you go if you use them not just in our school. 

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


Balancing is moving your body in ways that will help you balance better. 

The first activty was using a tennis rackect and a ball this activty was based on trying to balance on one leg by swinging the racket across your body and facing you cheast away from your partner. 

Next we did an activty using a hockey stick and a ball this was based on trying to stop the ball by balancing on one leg and hitting the ball back to our partner. 

The third activty was using a spoon and an egg this was based on spoon and egg as far away from your body as possible, this was using the power of your hips too help you come back  up.

The fourth activty was using a soccer this was based on using the power of your hips to help push your leg up and down for the ball to not go everywhere. 

The last activty was using a vollyball this was based on trying to use your leg to push up and down to help push the ball to your partner. 

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Simple machines

 Did you know that there are the simple machines that help people build and work more easier. These are three simillar simple machines, The wheel and axels, Pulley's, and Screw. 

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Kitchen items

We did an activty about kitchen iteams. 

I found 6 photos of kitchen iteams and labled the engilish words for the kitchen iteams. 

Then I used used the maori dictionary to help with the maori words for the kitchen iteams. 

I enjoyed this activty beacause I learnt lots of maori words for kitchen iteams. 


We did 5 diffrent activities that envoled balance, For every activity we stood on one leg.

The first activity involed a frizby, for this activty we I standed on one leg facing my partner. This was easy beacause I could use my leg to help me by moving my leg side to side and forward and backwards. 

 The secound activty involed a basketball, this was also easy cause I could use my move around using my leg and that helped me balance . 

The third acttivty involed a netball, this was easy cause I could use my leg that was off the ground to help me balance. 

The fourth acttivty we did was the rugbyball this was easy cause I could controll my balance.  


The last activty was hokey this was hard cause I could'nt stop the ball from moving around when I was standing on one leg.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021


 Calendars show us the day, week, or month. 

There are 12 months in the year, they are; Januray, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 

Months have 28, 30, or 31 days. 

There are number patterns on a calender by looking for four connecting days for example 20, 60 and 100. 

Knowing before and after number sequence and 7 times tables helps us read a calender. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021


 I learnt how to tell people to pass an object to the left. 

The first thing I did was revising the words that I learnt for the pass few weeks which was tenei, tena, tera. which means next to me, near me, and way over there. 

The last thing I did  learnt how to tell someone to pass an obeject to the left.  Which was hoatu te (obeject) ki te taha maui. 

 This was hard beacause I got mixed up with the Maori words. 

Friday, 14 May 2021


Manners are about using respectful words when asking for something. Manners are also about using the right actions when speaking to someone or listening to someone. 

Manners can also be used by saying thank you, may I, pardon me, sorry, eye contact and saying the person's name etc. 

The first video shows about how to greet the teachers and other people by using eye contact and addressing them with their name. 
The secound video shows about how to act when someone opens the door for someone else and helping each other out by opening the door. 
The last video shows about how to ask for something,by saying please,may I, and raising your hand.  

Using manners is about having and showing respect and having eye contact while talking to someone and always addressing them with their name.                                               

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Problem solving

 In groups we had to solve time problems. 

Then we worked out as a group what the first answer was. 

Next we explained why we got that answer and why we think that answer is right.

Lastly we showed our answers or results to Mr Ogilive and discussed what the right answers were as a class. 

I think that this activity was hard beacause I don't know how to tell analog time. 

Six simple machines

These are the six simple machines that we found around our eniorment the six simple machines are the screw, inclined plane, wedge, wheel and axle, pully, and the lever. 

The lever helps lift heavy objects move from a low level to a high level. 

The inclined plane is used to move objects from a low level to a high level. 

The wedge is used to push things apart. It changes the directions of force to go sideways. 

The wheel and axle is used to move objects around easier.

The pulley is used to move heavy objects from a low level to a high level. 

The screw is used to push objects together. 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


 We did an activty of balancing in our envorment. We took a range of photos. 

The first photo was showing balancing on a bench with the assisstans of our group. 

The secound photo shows one person balancing on the playground. 

The third photo shows balancing on the playgroud with the assisstans of someone in the group. 

The fourth photo shows one person balancing on two or more people. 

The fifth photo shows one person balancing with the assisstans of other people, but trying to not have too contact with the ground or with the people in the group. 

This was an hard activity because some were too weak to help there group out. 


 I learnt about prepoitions. 

The prepoitions that I used for by me was tenei.

 The secound prepoition I used for there was tena. 

The last prepoition I used for way over there was tera. 

These prepoitions can help me beacause they are an easier way of saying way over there, by me, and there.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021


All text inclued a range of words to share information with the reader

 Keywords are words that unlock more information. 

For Example Latrines are holes in the ground that people back in the day used to go toliet. Latrines were put in the barracks. 

Keywords can help unlock more information and help understand the word. 

L:I To use Keywords to retell the text
L.I To expand vocabulary using keywords

Thursday, 6 May 2021

About me 2021

 About Me 2021

Malo e lelei 

My name is Wairaka. I am Tongan, Maori and British and lots others. I am in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy reading and sports. At home I like watching movies and playing games outside.



Simple Machines

 Simple machines are used to move heavy objects, carry objects, and attach objects together. 

There are six simple machines;

One of the simple machines is a wheel and axle is used to move objects around easier it redues the amount of force needed to push by making something roll. 

Another simple machine is a pulley, a pulley is used to move heavy objects from a low level to a high level it reduces the amount of force needed to lift heavy obejects by sharing and dividing the force out. 

The third simple machine is a wedge the wedge is used to push things apart. It changes the directions of the force to go sideways. 

The fourth simple machine is a screw a screw is used to attach objects to other objects. This machine works by making objects twist around the machine. 

The fifth simple machine is the lever the lever is used to lift heavy obejects it changes the imput force by using a pivot and a bar. This machine can also be used to mesure forces like  weight.

The last simple machine is aattach inclined plane the inclined plane is used to move objects from a low level to a high level more easily. 

These are all still used today to move objects.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021


I learnt how to ask questions in maori that can help me in class. 

The first question that I learnt was Kua marama which means (Do you understand)

The secound question I learnt was Kua mutu which means ( I'm finished )

Then we moved on to asking other questions like whats your name and whats his or hers  name. 

These questions were hard to remember so I need to pratice those questions so I remember them and ask someone these questions.  

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Marc Duffy

Marc Duffy is a duffy role model who shares a story about how reading change his life around. 

He went to prison because he got envoled in bad stuff, but when he was in jail a teacher taught how to read. When he got out of prison he got a school ceitficate and a depolma in buisnness 

Marc learnt the trade of a bulider and owend his own buisnness. After that he worked for bunnings fitting out their stores. Marc also is a NewZealand lightweight champ in boxing fight for life. He now manages the largest store in NewZealand, which is in Hamilton. 


Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal. 

  Teamwork consists of three main mechanisms. 
Communication is sharing ideas and stratigies, an example of communication is dodgeball is when the teams share stratigies and ideas to try and get the other teams out. 

Cooperation is helping out eachother, an example for cooperation in dodgeball is to help the other teamates that are out of the sqaure by giving them balls so they can go around the sqaure and elimate the other teams. 

Collaboration is working with a group or team to achive a goal , an example for collaboration in dodgeball is cheering on the other teammates to win. 


( This video shows the mechanism of colabouration )

( This video shows the mechanism of communication )

( This video shows the mechanism of cooperation )

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to implemented throughout the activity

Friday, 9 April 2021


 Multiplication is a fast way of adding the same number over and over again. The two, five and ten times tables are examples of multiplication. 

The two times tables are multiplyng two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multiplyng five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multiplyng ten by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way of adding and counting a number. The times tables is also an easy way to remeber a basic times tables like two, five, and ten. The next times tables to learn are three, four and six. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Character Trait / The Horse

Character trait is used to describe a characters personalty by using adjectives and facts about the character. 

For example the horse is kind because in the story he doesn't step on the ants. This shows that the horse is thoughtful. 

A character trait is important so that you can learn about a characters personalty and what the character does in the story.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Fact or Opinion

I completed a task for my fact and opinion. 

First I wrote facts about the horse from the highway rat story. 

Then I wrote opinions that match the facts. Then I wrote  five adjectives that describe the horse. Then I did the rest of the boxes.  

A fact is something that you know that is true and you can prove it. A opinion is something that you think about the fact. Like the horse is helping a friend. 

I liked this task because I learnt what different adjectives meant and different names for that adjective. 


We used Multiplication to figure out the amount of counters in each group. 

First we took a big group of an unknown amount. 

Then we counted the amount of groups. 

Next we used our times tables to figure the amount. 

Then we organised them into a triangle. 

I learnt that multiplication is a faster of figure out the amount of some thing. 

Friday, 26 March 2021

Americas cup

I learnt about the Americas cup my group. 

I read texts and videos to get information and facts about the Americas cup. I sorted them in to main idea about who, what, where, why, when.

Next we summarised the main ideas and wrote 20 words from the text. Then we wrote 6 words that we thought were important. Then we used the 6 important words to sum up the text in sentences. 

After that we evaluated the information and wrote what the text was about, what interesting facts you've learnt from reading the text, and then I wrote down questions that I wanted to know about the Americas cup.

These strategies are helpful to use because they allow you to understand lots of information quickly.


The Highway Rat

 Visualisation is seeing a picture or an image in your head by listening to words that describes that image. 

Visualisation is important because if your reading a book with no pictures you can visualise what the pictures look like. 

The story is about a rat the thinks he owns the highway. Then he steals other animals food and if they have no food he steals what ever they have. In the end he gets scared of himself and realises why the other animals are scared of him.  

My Visualisation is different to others because I drew a fat rat and I used up all the space in the boxes.  

We have different Visualisation because some people listened to the other details like the rat riding on a horse and some people drew people and cars because the rat was on a highway. 

Place value and Saying Numbers

 Place value is a System that  groups numbers based on their size. 

The position of a digit determins its value. When we say numbers we we group then within then same hase. For example 15709 has Fifteen thousands, Seven hundreds and nine ones. 

Understanding our base 10 place system  allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after. 

Monday, 22 March 2021

Symphony Maths

 I completed 3.1 stages on Symphony Maths. 

I did different strategies up to five. 

I did different ways to figure out the answer like number lines, and blocks. 

While doing Symphony Maths I learnt a lot of different strategies. 

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Mihi Whakatau

 Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for a formal greeting. 

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings. It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabitant).

The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspects to the place. The Maunga (mountain), Awa (river), and Iwi (tribe) are generally used. 

Introducing Ingoa (name), Oki tipuna (ancestor place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker. 

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that are being welcomed. It is important to end with warm welcome so the visitors know that there is no hostility in the 2 groups being together. 


Friday, 12 March 2021

Basic facts

 I did my basic facts up to 5.

The time I got was 6m 35s I got 100 out of 100 but I still need to get faster. Next time I need to try to get  a lower time I need to memorize the answers so I can get it straight away, and try to get a higher level. 


Today I did a prototec to test my math knowledge. 

I got 5 wrong to 1000 and I got 5 wrong on subtraction up to 20. I also got 3 wrong on addition up to 20 and 8 wrong on x ÷ 2 3 5 10.

This prototec was hard and I need to practice my 1000, subtraction up to 20, and x÷ 2 3 5 10.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Print Design Rules

 I learned about the Print Design Rules. 

First Mr Wong taught us about the main aspects of the Print Design Rules, colour, layout, text, composition. 

Next, I figured out which posters were good and bad with my partners. 

Last I reorganised a poster to make it look good. 

To make my poster look better I needed to make the pictures the same size. 

AFL practice

 We learnt some skills that are used in Aussie Football League. 

The first skill we learnt was called handball. Handball was a type of throwing skill handball used for short pass's. To do a handball you have your dominic hand in a fist and your other hand flat like a dinner plate. Then you swing your arms and hold the ball with the dinner plate then you punch the ball with the side of your fist. 

The second skill we learnt was called a drop pot. To do a drop pot you have to have the ball in your hands with a M and face the laces away from your face. Then you kick the mud at your partner then drop ball and kick it. 

Then we played games the first game we played was octopus but we played a different way of playing octopus. The octopus that we played was we handball the ball to the people that were trying to get to the other side. 

Then we played bomb the teacher to play bomb the teacher we did the handball skill and tried to aim for the teachers or the coach. 

I liked learning these skills because it was fun and I got to learn different skills that I didn't know about. 


I learned how to write the alphabet,numbers and symbols properly. 

I watched a video to show neat handwriting. I wrote characters neatly into my writing book. 

I need to write my fours straighter. 

LS1's Learning Treaty

LS1 learnt about the 3 Ps in the Treaty if Waitangi and how they apply to our learning. 

First Mr Ogilvie introduced the 3 Ps in the Treaty of Waitangi. 

Then in groups we wrote statements about the 3 Ps in LS1. 

LS1 figured out the 3 Ps are all connected. After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected to me. 

I chose these three statements because they will help other people and help me listen to other peoples ideas and learn from other people. 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

SSR Selfie| Anders

 I read 9 pages of Anders,by Gregory Mackay. 

The story is about a new kid name Bernie that started school and boys being mean to him on his first day but a boy named Anders. Anders sees Bernie sitting by himself and gives him half of his sandwich then become friends. 

I really liked this book because Anders didn't leave Bernie by himself and was a good friend.

Basic facts

First I used a google sheets to record my basic facts bonds. 

Then I did my basic facts bonds to 10 and after I did my bonds up to 10 I did them up to 20. After that I did my doubles. 

Lastly I used the copy and paste shortcut to work faster. 

I already knew my bonds up to 20 but I needed to work faster. I liked this activity because
 it was easy do.